Azure Data Explorer OpenAPI Spec
This file documents the process of building the control plane OpenAPI based client. It is not expected that end users should need to use or be familiar with this workflow.
Spec download
git clone
AutoRest is required to convert the spec from 2.0 to 3
Install AutoRest
npm install -g autorest
Convert Spec
Use AutoRest to generate a spec. in v3.0 format
cd azure-rest-api-specs/specification/azure-kusto/resource-manager
npx autorest --output-converted-oai3
Creates a spec in: azure-rest-api-specs/specification/azure-kusto/resource-manager/generated/azure-kusto/resource-manager/Microsoft.Kusto/stable/<2022-11-11>
where the data is the latest release folder
Generate a client using a MATLAB client
% Assuming the Java files have been built using maven
% In the openAPI Code generator package's directory
% cd Software/Java
% !mvn clean package
% Run startup to configure the package's MATLAB paths
cd <ADX package directory>Software/MATLAB
Generate a client with npx
Generally this approach is not required or preferred.
Check openapitools version are at version 6.2.1 or greater.
npx @openapitools/openapi-generator-cli version
# Change to OpenAPI client generation package directory
# Call the client generator
npx @openapitools/openapi-generator-cli --custom-generator ./Java/target/classes \
generate -g MATLAB \
-i /home/<username>/git/azure-rest-api-specs/specification/azure-kusto/resource-manager/generated/azure-kusto/resource-manager/Microsoft.Kusto/stable/<release date>/kusto.json \
-o KustoClient --package-name kusto | tee gen.log
Customize the Client
For now use find and replace across the generated files to get rid of apiVersion and subscriptionId such that they are no longer inputs and object properties instead.
Remove “object” as a type in SkuDescription.
Add auth to