Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2

The MATLAB® Azure™ Data Lake Storage Gen2 interface is a low-level interface that supports:

  • Blob

  • Queue

  • File Data Lake

The documentation below is split into separate files Blob Storage, Queue Storage and File Data Lake Storage.

MATLAB’s IO operations increasingly support access to Blob Storage via builtin interfaces, e.g. the dir command supports accessing remote data:

Where MATLAB supports the required operations directly it is recommended to use that built in functionality.

createStorageClient function

The createStorageClient function can be used for creating BlobServiceClient, BlobContainerClient, BlobClient, QueueServiceClient, QueueClient, DataLakeFileSystemClient, DataLakeDirectoryClient and DataLakeFileClient.

% Create a BlobServiceClient with default options
blobServiceClient = createStorageClient();
% Create a BlobContainerClient with default options
blobContainerClient = createStorageClient('ContainerName','myContainer');
% Create a BlobClient with default options
blobClient = createStorageClient('ContainerName','myContainer',...
% Create a QueueServiceClient with default options.
queueServiceClient = createStorageClient('Type','QueueService') 
% Create a QueueClient with default options.
queueClient = createStorageClient('QueueName','myQueue')
% Create a DataLakeFileSystemClient with default options.
dataLakeFileSystemClient = createStorageClient('FileSystemName','myFileSystem') 
% Create a DataLakeDirectoryClient with default options.
dataLakeDirectoryClient = createStorageClient('FileSystemName','myFileSystem',...
%Creates a DataLakeFileClient with default options.
dataLakeFileClient = createStorageClient('FileSystemName','myFileSystem',...

By default createStorageClient reads Credential information and the Account Name (used to build the Client endpoint) from a configuration file named storagesettings.json. The function automatically searches for this file on the MATLAB path. It is possible to specify a different filename using 'ConfigurationFile'. It is also possible to provide 'Credentials' or 'SASToken' and 'AccountName' as inputs to the function directly in which case no configuration file may be needed. See the Name, Value pairs below for more details.

Name, Value pairs

Additional Name, Value pairs can be supplied to configure non-default options:

'Type', explicitly specify the type of client to create. Required for creating QueueServiceClient. In all other cases the type of client is derived from whether 'ContainerName', 'BlobName', 'QueueName', 'FileSystemName', 'DirectoryName', and/or 'FileName' are provided. With none of these configured a BlobServiceClient is created. If only BlobContainer is specified a BlobContainerClient is created, if both BlobContainer and BlobName are specified a BlobClient is created. If QueueName is specified a QueueClient is created. If only FileSystemName is specified a DataLakeFileSystemClient is created, if DirectoryName is specified as well, a DataLakeDirectoryClient is created, or if FileName is specified a DataLakeFileClient is created.

Possible Values: 'BlobService', 'BlobContainer', 'Blob', 'QueueService', 'QueueClient', 'DataLakeDirectory', 'DataLakeFile', or 'DataLakeFileSystem'.

'ConfigurationFile', explicitly specify which configuration file to use. This file is used for configuring Credentials (when not supplied as input) and/or Account Name (when not supplied as input).

Default Value: 'storagesettings.json'

'Credentials', explicitly specify credentials to use. This for example allows building multiple clients based on the same credentials without having to go through (interactive) authentication again. If neither this option nor 'SASToken' is specified, createStorageClient uses configureCredentials with ‘ConfigurationFile’ as input to first configure credentials before building the client.

Hint: configureCredentials can be used to build valid Credentials.


credentials = configureCredentials('myCredentials.json');
client1 = createStorageClient('Credentials',credentials,'ContainerName','container1')
client2 = createStorageClient('Credentials',credentials,'ContainerName','container2')

'SASToken', explicitly specify a SAS Token to use for authentication rather than reading authentication details from a configuration file or a credentials object passed in through the 'Credentials' option. If neither this option nor 'Credentials' are specified, createStorageClient uses configureCredentials with ‘ConfigurationFile’ as input to first configure credentials before building the client.

'AccountName', explicitly specify the AccountName used to configure the endpoint for the client. If not specified createStorageClient uses loadConfigurationSettings to load configuration options from 'ConfigurationFile'. This file must then contain a “AccountName” setting.

Configuration options

The higher-level functions for this service use the same kind of configuration options as discussed in The service specific options are discussed below.

The AzureStorageExplorer function requires LocalPathToStorageExplorer to be set and it should point to your locally installed StorageExplorer.exe. The createStorageClient function may use AccountName if not specified in the call to createStorageClient. For example:

  "LocalPathToStorageExplorer" : "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer\\StorageExplorer.exe",
  "AccountName": "mystorageaccount"

The default name of the JSON file which createStorageClient works with is storagesettings.json.

The clients for the various services follow a common design pattern with considerable overlap. Blob is documented in the greatest detail and is should be referred to even if using the other APIs.

Multi-protocol access

If accessing storage via various clients and protocols it is important to consider how this differs from pre Gen2 capabilities, the following Azure documentation is recommended:

Low Level Interfaces