Frequently Asked Questions

How to change the underlying library logging level

The Azure® interfaces rely on an number of underlying libraries which are included in the Software/MATLAB/lib/jar/azure-common-sdk-0.2.0.jar Jar file. Many of these libraries use slf4j as a logging mechanism. Further, MATLAB itself also includes slf4j and MATLAB configures it to use log4j as backend. So when used in MATLAB, these libraries end up using sl4j with log4j as backend. Which exact log4j version is used, depends on the MATLAB release. MATLAB releases up to MATLAB R2021b Update 2 use log4j versions 1.x, MATLAB R2021b Update 2 and newer use log4j versions 2.x.

The logging level and destination of log4j versions 1.x can be controlled using Software/MATLAB/lib/jar/ and for log4j versions 2.x using Software/MATLAB/lib/jar/log4j2.xml. By default they log at the ERROR level. To change this to INFO for example use the following in

log4j.rootLogger=INFO, stdout

or the following in log4j2.xml:

<Root level="info" additivity="false">