Getting Started

Azure Data Explorer (ADX) commands can be broadly separated into two classes:

  • Data queries, which transact data on the platform

  • Control queries, which relate to the platform itself

This document will describe some examples of each and how they are structured. It does not attempt to cover the complete KQL syntax or all of the control options that are available. For further detailed refer to the API reference and Azure’s documentation.

The following examples assume that the package has previously been configured with connection and authentication details, see: ADXAuthentication.

The REST API interface used by this package can be somewhat verbose in some cases once familiar with its behavior it is generally straightforward to create wrapper functions in MATLAB that more concisely address a task. Some such reference implementations are provided.

MathWorks reserves the internal namespace and functions within this namespace are subject to change or removal without notice and should not be used.

Data queries

Hello World KQL query

run command

The following reference implementation is a high-level wrapper that abstracts the different types of queries under a generic run method. For more advanced use cases it may be required to drop to the lower-level interfaces described below.

The query requests that “Hello World” be printed. This is returned as a table with a column names “mycol”. the success value is a logical indicating success of the call or not, additional optional outputs are not displayed in this example:

>> [result, success] ='print mycol="Hello World"')
result =
    "Hello World"
success =

To get the contents of an entire table once can run the following command, here Parallel processing of the resulting data has been enabled (if available), with a threshold of 10000 rows of data. For more details on optimization see:

[result, success] ='table("tableName", "all")', , useParallel=true, parallelThreshold=10000)

KQLQuery command

At a lower-level the above run command in this case calls the KQLQuery reference implementation, here we also display the requestId which can be used for corelation:

>> [result, success, requestId] = mathworks.adx.KQLQuery('print mycol="Hello World"')

result =
    "Hello World"

success =

requestId = 

REST interface

At a still lower-level one can work with the REST interface more directly. A request object is first created. The .db property is configured with the database name of interest. If not provided a default, if set, will be read from the configuration file. The query itself print Test="Hello World" is assigned to the .csl property. In this case no request properties are assigned to the propertiesProp property. This will be used in a later example.

% build a request object
req =
req.db = "mydatabasename";
req.csl = 'print Test="Hello World"'
req = 
QueryRequest with properties:

             csl: "print mycol="Hello World""
              db: "mydatabasename"
  propertiesProp: []

The ADX cluster is assigned and with it a default scope. A default cluster and scope can be set in the configuration to avoid setting them for exact query and or having the values appear in source code. The ADX configuration may require that multiple scopes would be set.

% Configure a cluster and scope, defaults to be read from configuration files in future
cluster = "";
scopes = [""];

Now a query object is created using the scope(s).

% Create a query object
query ='scopes', scopes);
query = 
Query with properties:

            serverUri: [0×0]
          httpOptions: [1×1]
  preferredAuthMethod: [0×0 string]
          bearerToken: '<unset>'
               apiKey: '<unset>'
      httpCredentials: '<unset>'
           apiVersion: "2022-11-11"
       subscriptionId: '<redacted>'
             tenantId: '<redacted>'
         clientSecret: '<redacted>'
             clientId: '<redacted>'
               scopes: ""
              cookies: [1×1 adx.CookieJar]

Having configured the query object it can now be run the request that was previously created on a given cluster, if a default is not used:

[code, result, response] = query.queryRun(req, cluster)

code = 
  StatusCode enumeration
result = 
  1×5 QueryV2ResponseRaw array with properties:


response = 
  ResponseMessage with properties:

    StatusLine: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK'
    StatusCode: OK
        Header: [1×11]
          Body: [1×1]
     Completed: 0

Assuming success the result is a number of Frames that describe and contain tabular data. This data can be converted to native MATLAB tables for ease of use. Three tables are returned 2 containing metadata and a 3rd containing the data of, interest, it is named the PrimaryResult.

tables = mathworks.internal.adx.queryV2Response2Tables(result)
tables =
  3×1 cell array
    {1×3  table}
    {1×1  table}
    {3×12 table}
>> tables{1}.Properties.Description
ans =
>> tables{2}.Properties.Description
ans =
>> tables{3}.Properties.Description
ans =
>> tables

Looking at the PrimaryResult shows the response to the query:

>> tables{2}
ans =
    "Hello World"

Putting the commands together:

% build a request object
request =;
colName = "myOutput";
message = "Hello World";
% set the KQL query
request.csl = sprintf('print %s="%s"', colName, message);
% Don't set the database use the default in .json config file
% request.db = "myDatabaseName"
% No required
% request.requestProperties
% Create the Query object and run the request
query =;
% The default cluster to use is configured using a .json configuration file
% Run the query:
[code, result, response] = query.queryRun(request); %#ok<ASGLU>
if code ==
    % Convert the response to Tables
    hwTable = mathworks.internal.adx.queryV2Response2Tables(result);
    fprintf("Query (%s) result:\n", request.csl);
    error('Error running query: %s', request.csl);

Configuring request properties, to use tSQL using the low-level interface

The higher-level interface mathworks.adx.tSQLQuery automatically configures the required request property to enable tSQL. However, as an example of how properties can be configured directly using the lower level the following example is illustrative. Note the KQLQuery and run commands both accept properties as optional arguments.

If not using the KQL language syntax the the T-SQL syntax can be used to write queries. This is accomplished the query property query_language to sql.

request =;
request.csl = query;
% Don't set the database use the default in .json config file
% request.db = "databaseName";

% Configure ClientRequestPropertiesOptions & then ClientRequestProperties
crpo =;
crpo.query_language = "sql";
crp =;
crp.Options = crpo;
request.requestProperties = crp;

% Create the Query object and run the request
query =;
[code, result, response] = query.queryRun(request);

A reference implementation shows how this can be more concisely used:

% Run the SQL query 'SELECT top(10) * FROM mytable' to return the 1st 10 row of a table
[result, success, requestId, resultTables, dataSetHeader, dataSetCompletion] = mathworks.adx.tSQLQuery('SELECT top(10) * FROM mytable')

The additional return values can be used to indicate if the query failed:

if dataSetCompletion.HasErrors || dataSetCompletion.Cancelled
    error("Query had errors or was cancelled");

Count the rows in a table, using the lower level interfaces

A query to count the rows in a table using KQL syntax:

req =;
req.csl = "['mytable'] | count";

q =;
[code, result, response] = q.queryRun(req); %#ok<ASGLU>
if code ==
    [result, resultTables] = mathworks.internal.adx.queryV2Response2Tables(result);
    count = result.Count;

In more detail, this example is based on a table created from the airlinesmall.csv data set that is included with matlab use which('airlinesmall.csv') to get its location. The result returned should be: 123523.

Note that in early releases some warnings about unsupported data types and conversions may be expected.

% Create a request
req = adx.ModelsDataPlane.QueryRequest;
req.db = "mydatabasename";
% The table name is: airlinesmallcsv;
% Kusto query string to count the rows in a given table
req.csl = "['airlinesmallcsv'] | count";

scopes = [""];
cluster = "";

q ='scopes', scopes);
[code, result, response] = queryRun(q, req, cluster);

tables =
  3×1 cell array
    {1×3  table}
    {1×1  table}
    {3×12 table}
ans =
c =
ans =

Progressive query execution

To execute a query in progressive mode the query request option property results_progressive_enabled should be set to true.

query = "['tableName '] | take " + 100;
args = {"database", database "propertyNames", "results_progressive_enabled", "propertyValues", {true}, "verbose", false};
[result, success, requestId, resultTables, dataSetHeader, dataSetCompletion] = mathworks.adx.KQLQuery(query, args{:});

Get a list of tables

Get a list of tables and table properties:

req ='db', 'mydatabase', 'csl', '.show tables details');
[code, result, response] = q.queryRun(req);

Or more concisely:

tableList = mathworks.adx.listTables(database="mydatabase")

Export data to a local parquet file

The following example code exports an entire table to a known blob using a Shared Access Signature blob URL. The resulting parquet file can be read into a MATLAB table using parquetread. Parquet is recommended over CSV and other formats for speed and data integrity reasons.

exportURL = "<REDACTED>";
exportURI =;
SAS = exportURI.EncodedQuery;
query = "table('mytableName', 'all')";
[tf, result] = mathworks.adx.exportToBlob(exportURI.EncodedURI, query);
if ~tf
    error("exportToBlob failed");

downloadURL = result.Path(1) + "?" + SAS;
downloadURI =;
localFile = websave("exportedTable.gz.parquet", downloadURI);
T = parquetread(localFile);

Ingest a table from a local a table

To ingest large volumes of data from MATLAB then the ingestFile and ingestTable functions can be used:

% Read some sample data from a parquet file to create a MATLAB table
inputTable = parquetread(parquetFile);
% Ingest the table into a given table
[success, result] =  mathworks.adx.ingestTable(inputTable, tableName=tableName);

To ingest small amounts of data from a MATLAB variable, typically a table the ingestInline. This function is not suitable for bulk data or high performance requirements.

localPath = fullfile(matlabroot, "toolbox", "matlab", "demos", "outages.parquet");
tableName = "outages";
praquetTable = parquetread(localPath);
ingestData = praquetTable(1,:);

[success, result, requestId, extentId] = mathworks.adx.ingestInline(tableName, ingestData)

success =
result =
  1x5 table
                   ExtentId                                    ItemLoaded                      Duration    HasErrors                 OperationId              
    ______________________________________    _____________________________________________    ________    _________    ______________________________________
    "8de6b799-6e12-4994-b57b-ed75e15db0a8"    "inproc:a607e293-dbdd-4f79-a1a2-a61982585adf"    00:00:00      false      "cd4184ca-0d31-4c42-a273-5f2953f76ddf"
requestId = 
extentId = 

To ingest from another source in ADX itself rather than MATLAB see ingestFromQuery.

Higher-level data handling functions

The following higher-level functions are provided to assist in common operations when working with data. Use doc mathworks.adx.<function-name> for more details.

  • createTable - Creates a table in a given database

  • dropTable - Drops a table from a given database

  • exportToBlob - Exports data to an Azure blob

  • ingestFile - Ingests a local file to Azure Data Explorer using Azure blob

  • ingestFileQueue - Ingests a local file to Azure Data Explorer using Azure blob & queue (work in progress, do not use)

  • ingestTable - Ingests a MATLAB table to an Azure Data Explorer Table

  • ingestTableQueue - Ingests a MATLAB table to an Azure Data Explorer Table (work in progress, do not use)

  • ingestInline - Ingests limited amounts of data into Kusto directly from MATLAB

  • ingestFromQuery - Ingest data using the result of a command or query

  • listTables - Returns a list of tables and their properties

  • tableExists - Returns true is a given table exists

Control queries

List Clusters

Start by creating a Clusters object:

>> clusters = adx.Api.Clusters
clusters = 
  Clusters with properties:

              serverUri: [0×0]
            httpOptions: [1×1]
    preferredAuthMethod: [0×0 string]
            bearerToken: '<unset>'
                 apiKey: '<unset>'
        httpCredentials: '<unset>'
             apiVersion: "2022-11-11"
         subscriptionId: '<redacted>'
               tenantId: '<redacted>'
           clientSecret: '<redacted>'
               clientId: '<redacted>'
                cookies: [1×1 adx.CookieJar]

Call the clustersList method:

>> [code, result, response] = clusters.clustersList
code = 
  StatusCode enumeration
result = 
  ClusterListResult with properties:

    value: [1×1 adx.Models.Cluster]
response = 
  ResponseMessage with properties:

    StatusLine: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK'
    StatusCode: OK
        Header: [1×13]
          Body: [1×1]
     Completed: 0

Examine the result, in this case there is one cluster:

>> result.value
ans = 
  Cluster with properties:

            sku: [1×1 adx.Models.AzureSku]
     systemData: [0×0 adx.Models.systemData]
          zones: "1"
       identity: [1×1 adx.Models.Identity]
    xproperties: [1×1 adx.Models.ClusterProperties_1]
           etag: ""2023-01-04T12:40:35.3452388Z""
             id: "/subscriptions/06<REDACTED>74/resourceGroups/mbadx/providers/Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters/myclustername"
           name: "myclustername"
           type: "Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters"

>> result.value.sku
ans = 
  AzureSku with properties:

        name: Dev_No_SLA_Standard_E2a_v4
    capacity: 1
        tier: Basic

The [tf, cluster] = mathworks.adx.isClusterRunning(...) command is a convenient function to easily determine if a default or given cluster is running or not.


% Get Identity token
m ='scopes', dataPlaneScopes)
req = 
req.csl = '.get kusto identity token'
ingestCluster = ""
[code, result, response] = m.managementRun(req, ingestCluster)

q =

More concisely using configured defaults:

m =
req =
req.csl = '.get kusto identity token'
[code, result, response] = m.managementRun(req)


For more sample commands see:

  • Example code: Software/MATLAB/adxDemo.m

  • Basic test code: Software/MATLAB/test/unit/*.m

For further API reference information see: